Resolution on Ethics in Florida Government
January 01, 2016: Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Public corruption is pervasive at all levels of government in Florida. This is according to a December 2010 report, "A Study of Public Corruption in Florida" by the 19th Statewide Grand Jury. According to the g...Read more >
Resolution on Electronic Medical Records
January 01, 2016: Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Electronic medical records, as part of a secure national network of health information that is accessible by patients and health care providers, will improve health care quality and efficiency, reduce med...Read more >
Resolution on Creating a Health Benefits Exchange
January 01, 2016: Florida Alliance for Retired Americans The Governor and Legislature have a duty to implement national health care reform, the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act is the law of the land. Politically partisan lawsuits have not rendered the la...Read more >
Resolution on Modernizing and Reforming Florida’s Regressive Tax Structure
January 01, 2016: Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Florida continues to confront a budget crisis. Significant reductions have been made in important programs over the past several years. Florida's seniors, children and working people cannot have needed governme...Read more >
Resolution on Health Care Price Transparency
January 01, 2016: Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Health care prices are generally not available to the public. There is a strong tradition of secrecy regarding price information. Health care providers have little incentive to disclose prices because health ...Read more >
Resolution on Expanding Medicare For All Americans
January 01, 2016: Florida Alliance for Retired Americans The reform of our health care system continues to be a matter of great urgency. The high cost of health care has created a crisis that must be resolved by government to protect the health of the public, to redu...Read more >
Legislative Report (September 28, 2015)
September 28, 2015: Florida's Redistricting Case-Back to Court The Florida Supreme Court on Friday sent the congressional redistricting case back to the trial court, although the justices did not block the Legislature from meeting in another special session to resolve ...Read more >
Richard Polangin on “Facing Florida” with Mike Vasilinda
June 27, 2015: To watch the "Facing Florida" With Mike Vasilinda TV interview on FLARA's Resolutions with Richard Polangin that urge people not to move to Florida or to visit Florida: Click on link below Scroll down to the second interview, "The Florida All...Read more >
Legislative Report (March 24 & 25, 2015)
March 25, 2015: Florida Legislators Face Major Issues for 2015 Here are some of the major issues facing the Florida Legislature as it begins meeting on Tuesday, March 3. BUDGET With more than a $1 billion surplus, the 2015-16 state budget should present fewer...Read more >
“Keep Your Hands Off My Medicare” Rally
September 24, 2014: September 25, 2014 Miami, FL- Today, Rep. Joe Garcia joined the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans and other seniors groups to hold a “Keep Your Hands Off My Medicare” rally outside of a Social Security Administration office. At the ev...Read more >