January 01, 2016
Resolution on Creating a Health Benefits Exchange
Florida Alliance for Retired Americans
The Governor and Legislature have a duty to implement national health care reform, the Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act is the law of the land. Politically partisan lawsuits have not rendered the law invalid. Refusing to accept federal funds and planning grants to prepare for the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, as the Governor and legislature has done, is unacceptable. Also unacceptable is placing a bogus constitutional amendment on the ballot to prevent the implementation of this law in Florida. The Governor and legislature have a responsibility to uphold and implement this law. Unfortunately, the Governor and legislative leadership does not grasp the importance of the legislation to the well being of Floridians. Florida ranks 49th among the states in the percentage of its non-elderly population than does not have health insurance and now has over 4 million uninsured residents.
Be it resolved that the Florida Legislature should enact legislation that requires Florida to establish a Health Benefits Exchange as provided by the Affordable Care Act. Legislation to establish a Health Benefits Exchange was introduced in the 2012 legislation by Representative Mark Pafford (HB 1423) and Senator Nan Rich (SB 1640).